Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

The slideshow I made is not working correctly. Please check back soon!

Valentine's Day in the Knapp household was low-key this year. It was more of a family affair than anything, and we were happy as a clam having it that way.

Jak opened his Valentine from Jeff and I in the morning. When Daddy saw this at the store, he just had to have it. I wrapped it up and he's been waiting to play with it ever since. He, meaning Jeff!

As Jak unwrapped his gift, he tore each piece of paper off and handed it to me. He was very methodical about unwrapping. I had a little pile of red wrap sitting next to me after all was said and done, and the boys got to getting the truck out of the packaging. Jak was thrilled with the truck and all of its functions, and he's been playing with it ever since!

Below is a picture of the Valentine's that Jak made for his Grandparents this year. He did fine with the fingerpaint, though you can't quite see the heart made out of his handprints. Nonetheless, they were very well received!

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